Chattanooga Daily Photo

Friday, March 31, 2006

Welcome Spring

No, I didn't take this picture today, but the weather has been so beautiful this week that I had to pick it for today's picture. It was 85 degrees (farenheit) yesterday and 75 today because of the cloud cover. This picture was taken last summer in my neighbor's yard. She and I both have butterfly bushes that attract lots of them in the summer so I'll probably have quite a few more butterfly pictures. I chose this one because I think it's the prettiest one--both the picture and the butterfly!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

View From My Front Yard

Not exactly the Great Smoky Mountains but this is the view from my front yard. It's a view of Big Ridge. Although we live at the top of a rather large hill, we're located "in the valley" between Big Ridge and Signal Mountain. We also live close to Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge which US Civil War buffs might be familiar with.

Choo Choo trivia

I posted the picture but didn't explain too much about it. Still learning, folks!

The original Chattanooga Choo Choo song was recorded in 1941 during the big band/swing era for a movie called Sun Valley Serenade. Wickipedia has more information if anyone is interested. The current "Choo Choo" is a Holiday Inn located in the original Terminal Station in Chattanooga and you can also stay in converted railway cars.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

My first photo upload

Had to go with this as my first picture. Not sure if everyone is familiar with the song "Chattanooga Choo Choo" but here's the real deal.

Grand Opening

Inspired by Eric's Paris Photo Blog, I've decided to create one featuring photos from my adopted city--Chattanooga, Tennessee. I don't know if I can find enough interesting things to photograph every day but I'll try.