More fireworks. The ones I posted yesterday were from a professional display but these are just some we had in our neighborhood last night. We had a lot that burst high in the air but those were harder to photograph because they were pretty but didn't last long enough to get a picture. These created a shower of sparks on the ground and were much easier to photograph. Several of the neighbors on our street got together and had a cookout then did fireworks to celebrate the 4th.
how was the cookout?
Hello thanks so much for your lovely comments on my Lourdes post, It was quite an experience
and reading all the comments really touched me...hope you had a great 4th of July...have a great summer...
we had a lot of these as well =)
Looks nice! In SA people is against fireworks, because of the dogs - they get scared and run away etc. I think fireworks is something spectacular.
How fun!
The cookout was fun and delicious.
They had a segment on the news tonight about missing pets because of the fireworks. However, they did say there was a lot less cases than in the past. They said word is probably getting out to secure pets before the fireworks start.
Our own fireworks in France are due on July 13th or July 14th, depending on the areas.
The dude is absolutely right, and there is no question.
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