Chattanooga Humane Education Society is having its annual fundraiser called PAWS in the Park. For more information you can see more info here.
Sorry I haven't had many photos lately but the weekend was a total wash out then I got sick and blogger has not been cooperating. I'm hoping for better weather to take a bunch of more interesting photos this weekend.
Moe's Southwest Grill opened this week They're a national chain specializing in burritos and other TexMex food. I love the names they use for their food. Names like the Art Vandalay burrito or the Ugly Nake Guy tacos or Alfredo Garcia fajitas.
This is the ticket booth for the high school football (U.S. football) games. I never really thought much about it before but I guess it's painted to look like a wildcat, the school mascot.
It's amazing how doing this blog has changed my perception of so many different things!
This picture (taken by my son) illustrates our weather this weekend. This picture was taken in the afternoon around 3 PM. But I can't complain because we need the rain. Just wish it wasn't all in one weekend!
I had a picture of the North Chickamauga Creek back on July 21st. That picture was taken from Boy Scout Road as it follows the creek. This picture was taken from Old Lower Mill Road yesterday. I don't know if you can tell from this picture but the creek is significantly lower than it was back in July and it was low at that time. When it is so low, it's hard to imagine that this is the same creek that floods over the road in both places where I snapped the pictures. Anyway, I thought this picture was nice with the water reflecting the trees.
I filled up yesterday and paid $2.15 a gallon. This morning when I went by the price had dropped to again! I never know whether to fill up or not. I am always afraid if I wait the price will go up. A few months ago, I would pass by on my way to work in the morning but be in a hurry so I would wait until on my way home to stop and the price would be higher. Now it is just the opposite.
One of our local Walmart supercenters has a very nice display out front to welcome the fall season. Things like this are nice to see after a long, hot summer.
I found this bird's nest in a tree on the property of the church where I work. It's amazing all the things the birds used for this nest. Especially funny is the Easter "grass" they used. Every year the church sponsors an Easter egg hunt for the community children. Plastic eggs are filled with candy and placed around the church grounds sometimes with the fake grass. That must be where the birds came up with the idea!!
Actor Henry Winkler was in Chattanooga on Sunday to give the keynote address at Memorial Hospital's Health Fair at Hamilton Place Mall. Best known for his role as Fonzie in Happy Days, Winkler also signed autographs for fans. He gave a wonderful and often humourous speech about overcoming obstacles in life such as learning disabilities (he is dyslexic) to find the greatness which is in all of us.
I guess this picture is appropriate since I'm so late posting this today. Sorry about that, but my son came home from college for the weekend with a ton of dirty laundry and a list of grocery items he needs replenished!
The Friends of the Library hold a book sale at the Northgate Mall each year to raise money. The books are 25 cents, 50 cents, one and two dollars, depending on what they are. They also sell some special sets at higher prices. For book lovers this is wonderful--you never know what you might find. I bought 8 Southern Living magazines--all recent issues-- for only $2.00. A good deal and a good cause.
Chattanooga just opened an indoor sports complex. According to their web site, it's a 31,000 square foot state of the art facility featuring indoor soccer and lacrosse leagues with seats for 200 spectators and synthetic turf. I guess the artificial turf is a given.
I took this picture in my favorite fast food restaurant, Zaxbys. They specialize in chicken and unlike places like McDonalds, the interior is more like a a full service restaraunt.
I believe these are birdhouses made from gourds and then painted white. If anyone knows something more or if my assumptions are wrong, please let us know!! Part of doing a DP is to learn new things.
Finding an interesting doorway in Chattanooga was harder than I thought it would be. I took several pictures but decided to go with this one because it is "unique".
Visit the other DP blogs featuring doorways from around the world!