On my way to work I saw this guy heading into the road so I stopped. After taking a picture (after all I am a DP blogger!) I went to help him cross the road. I have done it before. Ususally the turtle will hide in its shell, I pick it up bring it across the road, set it down and eventually it comes out and goes about its business. As usual this guy went into his shell but as soon as I went to pick him up he popped out and began the most awful hissing and trying to bite my fingers. Not to mention that his feet had claws and they were flaying about trying to get me. I quickly set him back and walked away. Obviously he didn't appreciate the help. I guess he made it across because I didn't see him squished on the road on my way home.
He could have been a tortoise. I don't really know. I just know he was very independent!
That actually sounds like a snapping turtle. They can be feisty sometimes. It's funny, I do the same thing with turtles. I can't stand to see them in the middle of the road like that...or close to it. I always try to help out if I can!
Hi Carol, just a quick hello and thanks for the help with the site.
We're in Rumania now and will go to Hungary (where i won't have internet access at all) tomorrow.After that it's Slovakia, Tsjechie and probably (former) east Germany. Again thanks for all your help, i have a very relaxing holiday knowing everything runs smoothly with the site.
i cant help but to think perhaps s/he wanted to go the other way :D
Oh, yes, I always try to help an animal if it will let me. Poor guy, he didn't know you were his friend.
Carol, I can't find an email address for you. Please email me. My email address is in my profile.
Thanks for the photo and story!!!
The first daily first-aid photo blog !
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